Tuesday, December 31, 2013


some funny---jokes---

“You have four cavities!” barked the naval dentist, looking at the X-rays. He grabbed a huge steel syringe and shot both sides of my mouth full of novocaine. He then looked at the X-rays and then my mouth. Then back at the X-rays and again at my mouth. He then sat down.“I have good news and bad news,” he said. “The bad news is, these are not your X-rays. The good news is, you’re cured.” 

I wear glasses because I like to dramatically remove them to display anger. It was awkward doing that with contact lenses.  http://contactofindia.com/counter.php?rid=AF0001262

A married couple has been out   shopping for hours when the wife realizes that her husband has disappeared. So she calls his 
“Where are you!?” she yells.
“Darling,” he says, “do you remember that jewellery shop, the one where you saw that diamond necklace you loved? But I didn’t have enough money at the time, so I said, ‘Baby, it’ll be yours one day’?”
“Yes!” she shouts, excitedly.
“Well, I’m in the bar next to it.”  http://mGinger.com/index.jsp?inviteId=9028558957 

I came down with the flu and wanted my husband to do some of the housecleaning. I wasn’t sure how to tell him, so I tried reverse psychology.
“Honey, I’m sorry I’m leaving you with such a mess,” I said between sniffles. “The laundry needs to be done, the dishes washed, the floors cleaned.”
“Don’t you worry,” he said sympathetically. “It can all wait until you feel up to it.” -http://q.gs/1QYxS 


Life is like a novel and every day is a new page.
so if a page is sad next will b happy..  
http://j.gs/17l2 so don't worry turn the page and enjoy the life ! "

"Living in the favourable and unfavourable situation is called
"PART OF LIFE",       

But smiling in all those situations is called
"ART OF LIFE". ! "   
"Life is nice if u break ur silly ego,      -->   http://x.co/YmSk 
Forgive quickly,
Believe slowly,
Love truly,
Laugh loudly &
Never avoid anything that makes u smile 
" Every single second gives u an opportunity to change Ur fate. So don't kill the time by worrying yourself. Life is very short, so be happy every movement..!.! "

 "There are 3 kinds of people in the world:
•    Those that MAKE THINGS HAPPEN...                      
•    Those that WATCH Things Happen...
•    and Those that SAY "What Happened?"
Make it Happen!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Are Malls Our New Temples?

Festivals are a time for shopping. Well and good. But I think those of us who live in large cities would be kidding ourselves if we pretended that this is the only time we engage in rampant consumerism. No, from Bangkok to Singapore, Mumbai to Manila, shopping—particularly shopping in large malls—is a year-round priority.
Shopping centres are good. They are a sign of dizzying economic growth, and a demonstration of how far Asians have come, in such a short time. For many of the older generation who can remember a time when everyone lived in villages and there was no running water, the multi-level, air-conditioned mall represents comfort, choice, luxury and better times.
But many Asian metropolises with burgeoning middle classes now have such a proliferation of malls—all teeming with outlets of Marks & Spencer, Gap, Starbucks, Bulgari, Cartier, Mont Blanc—that they appear to have long crossed saturation point. Nowadays, it seems our default venue for every activity is the mall—it’s where we shop, eat, watch movies, bowl, arrange to meet our friends, have a romantic date or just generally lounge around.
Not only that, we have come to regard malls as important landmarks or tourist attractions. “When you come to visit us, you must see our new shopping centre, it’s massive and has an Egyptian pyramid at the entrance”—sentences such as these are quite usual. Whole generations of Asians are growing up to think that, aside from home and school, the shopping complex is the most natural place to be.
Many young people shop for clothes at the mall so that they can look good when they meet their friends—at the mall.
My main contention with shopping centres is not that they are often massive concrete blocks that don’t take into account the architectural nuances or cultural backdrop of a city, or that they promote ultra-consumerism at a time when our planet can ill afford it. My main gripe with the plethora of malls is that they don’t seem to make us happy. Oh, the large advertisements outside the stores could persuade us to think that if we only had this pair of jeans, or if we hung out at this cafĂ©, then we could feel more fulfilled. But once we buy something, we only want to buy something more.

Cantaloupe Soup

Very refreshing fruit soup, served chilled. Great for luncheons. Garnish with mint if desired.
1 cantaloupe (muskmelon)
2 cups orange juice
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1. Peel, seed, and cube the cantaloupe. 
2. Place cantaloupe and 1/2 cup orange juice in a blender or food processor; cover, and process until smooth. Transfer to large bowl. Stir in lime juice, cinnamon, and remaining orange juice. Cover, and refrigerate for at least one hour. Garnish with mint if desired. 
http://12c3blwamc9t82bbqyzd2prteg.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=SPK81  target="_top">Click Here!< http://84426o9dfcju90fcjeqrh9v224.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=DP01 target="_top">Click H   >

The Other Wonders of the Universe

Not only does the spine stretch in space, but the heart gets smaller, too
With less gravitational force than on Earth, there’s less pressure on your spine and so it’ll get a bit longer, effectively making you as much as two inches taller. In this microgravity environment, your blood also tends to move towards the heart and head. The heart interprets this as an increase in the amount of blood in the body and that it needs to pump less, so it shrinks.Both effects are only short-lived and, after a brief period of readjustment on arriving back home, the heart and spine return to normal   http://cashfromnet.in/home?ref=om151 
 The light reaching Earth today is 30,000 years old
The sun’s rays are produced by fusion reactions deep within its core. Once a single photon (light particle) has been made, it has an arduous journey to get out of its dense surroundings. It travels at nearly 300,000km per second—trying to cover a distance of about 700,000km—but is constantly bumping into charged particles and changing direction. Eventually, after around 30,000 years, it escapes the sun and, in just 8.3 minutes, travels the last 150 million km to Earth. http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab
About 50 tonnes of space dust and rocks fall to Earth each day
Many people are familiar with shooting stars, but the reality is that these streaks of light are pieces of rock zipping through our atmosphere. In most cases, the rocks are destroyed on entry, leaving only fine dust to drift down to Earth. If you run a magnet around the gutter of your house or the base of the walls, most of the dust you collect will have its origins in outer space.
The surface of Venus is so hostile you would either boil, be squashed or dissolve!
Although it’s the second planet from the sun, Venus is the hottest because it has a very dense atmosphere made up of so-called “greenhouse gases.” The 1970 Soviet Venera lander recorded surface temperatures of around 500C.  http://x.co/YmSk
If the heat didn’t get you, then the weight of the thick atmosphere would crush you (it’s about 90 times the pressure we experience on Earth). And, if you survived that, you’d be dissolved by sulphuric acid rain.
There could be life in the oceans under the thick, icy crust of Europa, Jupiter’s moon
The energy from the sun underpins our entire food chain, but down in the depths of our oceans—where no sunlight penetrates—entirely separate ecosystems thrive around hyperthermal vents, drawing energy from the heat. It’s now believed that one of the best chances of finding life elsewhere in our solar system is around similar underwater vents in Europa’s vast sub-surface oceans. 
Mars appears red because it’s rusting 
Actually, the surface is salmon pink, but this colouring comes from a very common chemical process that we’ve all seen on Earth. Rust forms  http://www.clickworker.com/become-a-clickworker?utm_source=484944&utm_campaign=CW4CW&utm_medium=email